With Their Full-Length Debut Still a Ways Off, Sundress Releases One Hell of a Single.
In 2010, Denton band Sundress released their debut EP, Fever. Or, wait, was it their self-titled 2011 EP that was actually their debut? The band argued that much then.
But what, then, of the band's efforts before 2010, when the band was called Odyssey or, before that, This Old House?
It's all fairly confusing, really.
And it's all just semantics. Because here's what you really need to know: Sundress is a really, really good band.
And the band, which recently left Denton to give things a go in Austin, is keen on proving that much. Soon, too. Well, soon enough. First they have to find a record label with which they're comfortable enough to release their full-length debut, which frontman Ryan McAdams says is already finished.
Till then, folks will just have to be content with bits and pieces from the band, the first of which came out last week as White Iris Records released a seven-inch from the band featuring the songs “California Dames” and “Pilot Wings.” The former of those tracks is already getting the band some nice accolades from national media outlets already, and the band has been kind enough to pass the mp3 of the song along to Central Track readers as a free download. (Buy both songs here.)
The praise comes with good timing, too: The once-Denton band will return to their hometown next weekend to host its annual Stella Fest at Hailey's Club, which this year will balloon to a two-night affair. The fest will feature some nice names, too: Ringo Deathstarr, True Widow, Soviet, Darktown Strutters, Cozy Hawks and many, many more.
But with tracks like breezy “California Dames” (grab it below), Sundress themselves may end up being the biggest draw of the weekend.