Remix Your Weekend with Eli Escobar.
Now that Thanksgiving is over, maybe you can roll yourself off of your bed and actually get out and do something!
Or maybe not.
We're guessing there's a reason that this weekend is strangely silent, and that might be because you're going to spend the next few days recovering from that particularly mean joke your mom made about your dating life.
If you've managed to recover from the holiday quickly (or didn't celebrate at all, which is a totally viable option), then you've still got some things you can check out this weekend.
Just take it a bit more easy next year, okay?
Two-Year Anniversary Bash at Beauty Bar
Come out for a free night of celebration as the Beauty Bar finally hits its terrible twos! A Hypnotic Donuts van will be parked out front, and inside you can hoof-it with DJs Redeye, Sober and Eli Escobar, the last of whom will also be performing in town on Saturday night.
Blue October at House of Blues
You can hate them today or you can hate them tomorrow, because they will be at the House of Blues again tomorrow night for a repeat performance.
Ruby Revue at House of Blues Cambridge Room
I wonder if the burlesque dancers are working off the turkey from the day before or if they abstained, knowing that they would have to be doing their best Christina Aguilera/Cher in Burlesque impression. (Sorry, it's just the first movie that comes to mind whenever I hear the word “burlesque.”)
Willie Nelson at Arlington Music Hall
Frequently referred to as a country music legend (which sort of makes it seem like Willie Nelson hides in the woods to scare oversexed college students on a camping trip), Nelson's influence and longevity isn't even debatable. Did you know, though, that he's 79? Call your grandparents and tell them that they're slacking.
BOAN, Thug Decay, betdat, Ynfynyt Scroll, AiR DJ at Elm Street Bar
The always reliable Track Meet crew is hosting this night's hip and diverse dance-heavy offering, which features members of the local DJ/production collective (betdat, Ynfynyt Scroll and AiR DJ) sharing a bill with closely affiliated Austin-based producer Ben Aqua's “Queer metal” outfit Assacre, plus Austin's Thug Decay and the Dallas debut of Houston-and-Austin outfit BOAN's dramatic, psyched up Latino dance sound. Just a $7 cover for this one seems like a steal. The fact that it costs just $5 before 10 p.m. is even better.
Michelle Shocked at Kessler Theater
Singer-songwriter and frequent political activist Michelle Shocked will be returning to her Dallas home to play some of her more popular tunes at this show. Strangely, she will be leading a “foreclosure fraud” forum during intermission. But, hey, at least you're getting your money's worth! Tiger Darrow will be opening.
Blue October at House of Blues
It's tomorrow already. Your hating should end soon.
Mike Dillon Band Album Release Party at Good Records
I'm not entirely sure why the Mike Dillon Band named their latest album Urn, but do me a solid and ask the jazz group about it for me at their release party and in-store performance at Good Records today, yeah?
Eli Escobar at It'll Do Dallas
For those of you inclined to dance, esteemed New York DJ Eli Escobar will be demonstrating tonight why he's become one of the quintessential names in dance music in the past 10 years.
Joe Budden at the Palladium Ballroom
Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump it up with New York rapper Joe Budden at this show.
Rock and Roll Rummage Sale at Lola's Saloon in Fort Worth
Now that Christmas gifts ideas are going to be swirling in the back of your mind for the next month or so (or, if you're like me, you will forget until the day before and hastily second-hand gift all of your novelty socks), it might be a good idea to think about getting something unique. Patrons are encouraged to bring things to swap and sell, such as vinyl, collectibles and things that make you say “oooh!”