
Did Nostradamus predict the winner of this year’s presidential election 500 years ago?

Did this seal predict the Euro Soccer Cup winners?

Did our crack team accurately foretell how you’re going to spend your evening tonight? Keep reading and find out. — Cory Graves

Wax Idols at RBC
Femme fatales, Wax Idols hit the Dallas scene again with a spunky brand of punk. Don’t sleep on these ladies, they can, and will, unnapologetically rock your funky-socks. King Woman opens. — Sidney Johnson

Sarah Hepola at The Wild Detectives (Free)
If you’ve been paying attention to the literary world at all this year, the name Sarah Hepola might ring a bell. The former Dallas Observer music critic and Salon personal essays editor published a memoir, Blackout: Remembering The Things I Drank to Forget, that ended up on the New York Times Best Seller list. — H. Drew Blackburn

It’s Just Banter at Off the Record (Free)
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation X and the World Wrestling Federation proudly present to you its WWF Tag Team Champions of the world, the TC and Jake. Welcome to this month’s live taping of IJB, your second favorite podcast. — CG

Radiers: The Adaptation at Alamo Drafthouse (Richardson)
Back in the ’80s, three dudes spent seven years and $5 grand recreating Raiders of the Lost Ark shot for shot. This is that movie. A documentary on the making of the remake follows. — CG

How to Marry a Millionaire at The Magnolia
How To Marry A Millionaire is quite possibly the most shallow premise for a movie. Three models, among them is Marilyn Monroe, plot a convoluted scheme to marry affluent men. Despite the questionable plot, it’s one of the first movies ever filmed in Cinemascope. That’s just enough to warrant a watch and you can do just that this Tuesday. — Calvin Cashen

Arbor Labor Union at Dada
The Georgia college rock revivalists just put out its debut LP for Sub Pop last month. Tonight the band brings updated takes on that familiar post-rock sound of yore to Deep Ellum. Criminal Birds and Dome Dwellers open. — CG

Cover photo by Kathy Tran.

















































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