The New, Monthly Bloody Mary Offering at Anvil Pub Is a Behemoth.

Our reputation here in Dallas is that we like everything big. Our hair, our football stadiums, you name it.

Funny, then, that most Bloody Mary options in the area brunch scene are served rather bare — just some vodka, a little mix, some salt around the rim and maybe a few accouterments thrown in (maybe an asparagus stalk, a lemon wedge or a couple of other things along those lines).

There’s a new in-town variety on the favored morning concoction that’s looking to change all that, though. Conceived at the ever-expanding Anvil Pub in Deep Ellum, this drink is taking the concept of the Bloody Mary and stuffing it with so much extra goodness that we’re not even sure it still qualifies as a drink. Hell, the so-called “Fuck Brunch” drink is such a behemoth, it’s practically a meal unto itself.

The brain child of Anvil Pub co-owner Loc Holman, it’s arguably the biggest drink in Dallas. But the story behind it is pretty simple: A couple of months back, while looking for a way to up his bar’s early weekend traffic, Holman decided to take a bunch of food items — some of them brunch-related, most not — and stuff them into a glass, assuming crowds would enjoy the sheer spectacle of it. And, since his spot boasts no weekend brunch menu to offer in addition to its regular one, then, hey, it helped fill that void, too.

Each month, the offering is unique. This past Sunday’s recipe called for a bacon and cheddar slider, shrimp, artisan cheese, beef jerky, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, okra, a pickle, onions, tomatoes, olives and even a whole crawfish.

“I added the crawfish just because they’re in season right now,” Holman told us of this month’s 32-ounce Bloody Mary variety, which came with a Pabst Blue Ribbon and cost $20. “But it won’t always go in there. I’m gonna keep it kind of loose with the ingredients. Sometimes, it will be seasonal.”

Always, though, it will be massive — Holman promises us at least that much. Still, we of course had other questions. Lucky us, then, that Holman was willing to spare a few minutes from serving his drink this past Sunday to tell us a little more about it.

OK, so, for the uninitiated: What exactly is a Fuck Brunch?
It’s a double Bloody Mary with a whole bunch of condiments that make up a pretty decent meal, in my opinion. It’s certainly enough to get you through a few hours of good ol’ drinkin’.

How’d you come up with it?
My buddies El Gato [Johnny Sundt] and Ashleigh [Steinwender] and I were here at Anvil, and Johnny was looking at pictures on his phone and came across this crazy Bloody Mary with a burger on it. We just took the idea and ran with it. So, I can’t claim to be the inventor. But, as you can see, I take pride in the building of each one. And different and better ingredients are added every time. It’s just fun to see people’s faces when they get it. That’s one of the many things that make our jobs as bartenders so much fun

Why the name Fuck Brunch? What’s your problem with brunch?
I love brunch! Who doesn’t? We just don’t offer it here. The name really started as a joke. We just said, “Who needs brunch when you have a Bloody Mary with a burger on it? Man, fuck brunch!”

When’s the next Fuck Brunch offering? And why only do it once a month?
I’m gonna do Fuck Brunch again on Sunday, March 24. I just thought once a month would make people more excited to come get it, instead of always having it and it falling to the wayside

Why make a drink this big, though? I mean, really.
Like I said, it’s something fun for us — all the people that come to get it and us as the ones who make it and serve it. I’m gonna do my best to keep making it better and add in more awesome ingredients — cheeses, meats, fresh veggies and, of course, the sliders.








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