Talking Independence Day Resurgence and Why It's A Shadow Of The Original.
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The original Independence Day was a true game-changer for people around my age and that of my guest co-host this week, my KTCK 1310-AM The Ticket co-worker Mike “Machine” Marshall.
Sure, there had been movies released beforehand that made a big show of blowing up the world, but we didn't see them in theaters. So, yeah, it was a massive part of our childhoods.
Alas, the second one is not as good. Here, we break down why by questioning some of the casting choices and scratching our heads over a few lines of dialogue.
We also debate whether two of the scientists in the movie were supposed to be low-key implied as gay characters and if anyone involved in the production had even the slightest understanding of the building codes in Washington, D.C.
Listen in!