Talking The Invitation And The Joys Of Vague Plot Marketing.
Welcome to TC's Movie Podcast, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Wanna talk movies? Hey, so does TC! So listen up. And if you like what you hear, head here to subscribe to TC's Movie Podcast on iTunes. Or just make a note in your phone calendars to check back in with us each Friday to hear a new episode. Either way, really. Find the archives here.
This week, Josh Campbell of the Dallas band I'm The One Who's Fighting — a good dude I've known for some time now — joins me in taking a gamble and seeing a movie about which we only had the vaguest ideas heading into it in regard to its plot. And boy did that risk pay off.
Turns out The Invitation is pretty goddamn great — something Central Track readers who saw Javier Fuentes' review from last week might already know. Better still? It's available on iTunes and other such services, so you can basically check it out whenever.
Once you have, I think you're going to dig this podcast. But not beforehand, OK? This discussion focuses a lot on the plot and the crazy things that happen in that movie — things that shouldn't be spoiled before your viewing.
So watch the movie, OK? It's really good! Then hit play.