Talking The Witch and How Great It Is When A Movie Manages To Surprise You.
Welcome to TC's Movie Podcast, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Wanna talk movies? Hey, so does TC! So listen up. And if you like what you hear, head here to subscribe to TC's Movie Podcast on iTunes. Or just make a note in your phone calendars to check back in with us each Friday to hear a new episode. Either way, really. Find the archives here.
The podcasts I get most excited for are the ones where I get to discuss movies that stick in your head. Y'know, the ones with a lot of good themes, strong performances and shocking twists.
The Witch is such a movie. The religious themes leaves a lot to think about. The trust within the family at the story's center — and how quickly it's revealed to be threadbare — is fun to turn over. Then there's that ending! Seriously: That ending!
Also cool about this week's episode is the co-host who's joining me in the studio. That would be Simon Cardoza, an actor from Dallas who has recently wrapped one local independent project (called Hello Gangster) and who is currently working on another. He's also a very nice dude.
This is a good one, folks. Listen in.