Talking The Big Short and What It's Like To Make A Cameo In A Big Hollywood Production.
Welcome to TC's Movie Podcast, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Wanna talk movies? Hey, so does TC! So listen up. And if you like what you hear, head here to subscribe to TC's Movie Podcast on iTunes. Or just make a note in your phone calendars to check back in with us each Friday to hear a new episode. Either way, really. Find the archives here.
Movie critics across the country are raving about The Big Short, the star-studded (Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell) kinda-comedy about the prediction of the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid-2000s.
But you know what they're not talking about? This very specific part of the film, during which the characters are explaining the origins of Cornwall Capital. That scene is spliced with a performance from the famed Dallas band The Polyphonic Spree. And, if you are looking closely enough, you might spot the head of bassist Mark Pirro.
So it's a joy, then, that Pirro was nice enough to join me and my old pal Nick Brooks in the podcast studio this week to discuss the movie, as well as a number of other things.
We all agree that we enjoyed the film, and so we talk about it for about a half-hour or so. The rest of the time, we talk about the price of copper and the time a record label paid for Mark to go to the Super Bowl.
It's a fun discussion, and I hope you all enjoy it.