Talking The Force Awakens And How Cool It Is To Have A New Star Wars Movie That Doesn't Suck.
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Well, it's here: The movie podcast that caused the rest of this movie podcast to exist in the first place.
This is really cool, you guys. For the first time in my entire span of existence, there's new Star Wars movie that actually deserves to be called a new Star Wars movie.
Here, I'm joined once again by my old pal Justin Bell, who joined me last week to preview The Force Awakens and look back on the old films. Only, this time, we actually know what we're talking about!
Minutes after our 7 p.m. screening finished, we raced back to my home studio to sit down and empty our minds every thought that came to us while watching. It is cool just to be one tiny micro-cog in the machine celebrating this movie.
But, please be warned, spoilers abound.