Talking The Night Before and Whether Holiday Movies Have A Lower Bar For Success.
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How do you feel about Christmas movies? How do you feel about Seth Rogen comedies?
Well, as I determine this week alongside my guest host — that would be the noted Dallas comedian Clint Werth — those questions get to the core of the new Christmas comedy The Night Before. Answering no to either means you probably won't enjoy this movie at all.
If you're a yes on either of those, though, then you're going to think that this one's a pretty decent little movie! Clint and I think that way, at least. It helps, of course, that I generally find myself to be a fun of one-crazy-night plots. But, hey, it's also got some good performances, including a strong effort in a cameo role from Miley Cyrus. And there are some solid jokes scattered throughout, too.
It has its flaws, sure. Like, the fact that one of the film's characters is trying to break into the NFL at 34 years old? C'mon, that's not believable.
On the other hand, we're totally buying all the dick jokes.
So listen in, OK?