Nikki Stays Warm.
Name: Nikki Perritt.
Age: 24.
Found: Spirits Liquor in Deep Ellum.
Occupation: “I work in the retail world.”
What brings you out here today? “Grabbing some drinks to warm up this cold day.”
What are you wearing? “Anixon watch, Nina Nguyen bracelet, a hat and jacket from Urban Outfitters and a Hanes tee from Target. I don't really remember where I got these leather shorts. I think it was American Apparel? My Palladium boots get me through the snow.”
Describes your style. “I would say chill and laid back.”
What inspires your fashion choices? “I work in retail, so I'm always looking for the good stuff at decent price. I try to stay budget-conscience without hurting my steez.”