Our Editor’s Latest Picks For Some Of The Best New Music From DFW Artists Include Songs By Dixie Chicks, Pat Ron, The Texas Gentlemen And More.

If you’re familiar with our recurring ‘Song of the Day‘ series, you already know we’re fortunate enough to call home to a city with a healthy heartbeat for local music. But, being that we’re all stuck social distancing through these tough times, here’s hoping this will give you something to help get through them.

It’s probably easy to feel like this bizarre period of social distancing is officially over now that Texas is ramping up phases of reopening. But to be clear, this virus isn’t going anywhere — today marks the second highest day of positive cases in Dallas County.


I hate to sound like a cliché print you can find on the shelf at HomeGoods, but music really does make life better, so why not try to make the most out of getting through these tough times with new music to run back? Music is the soundtrack to life through both the good and bad times, and whether we like it or not, we’re going to have to continue to adapt to this new way of life for the foreseeable future.

Speaking of adapting, we here at Central Track are not immune to figuring out what that means for us.

For now, we are going to put our recurring Song Of The Day and White Noise features on ice to focus on other ways we can best serve our readers during all of this chaos. That means our most music-heavy, consolidated weekly feature will live here within these playlists. Besides, it only makes sense, as we’ve been living in a playlist-driven era since before COVID-19.

If you’re a musician in North Texas who recently dropped something dope but don’t see it here, don’t fret — find me on twitter or toss me an email with your new heat. I try my best to stay up on new music around DFW, but I’m sure things will get past me at some point. Plus, I will be curating entirely new playlists every single week until we can all get back out there to enjoy music in its full capacity again.

Ultimately, I hope this playlist will give you at least a little bit of reprieve during all of this, while also helping you discover new music made right here in your backyard.

Hang in there, and remember: keep staying the fuck home.

If you’re a musician in DFW who recently dropped something, or you’re just a fan of local music and think something should be on my radar: please don’t hesitate to put me on at @alecspicey on Twitter or at [email protected].

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