Check Out The Latest Transmission From a Trio of Time-Traveling Aliens, Currently Channeling Some Local Musicians to Complete Their Space Opera.

Welcome to Song of the Day, where we hip you to all the new local releases you should be caring about. By highlighting one new North Texas-sprung tune every week day, our hope is that you’ll find something new to love about the rich and abundant DFW music scene five days a week.

Helium Queens — “Spirits of Ingenii.”
RIYL: Astronaut Jones.
What else you should know: If you’re trying to anticipate when new music from Helium Queens is imminent, all one must do is consult your moon calendars – or just look up at the night sky.

So far this year, every time there’s been a full moon, the time-traveling experimental space trio has broadcast a new transmission.

It just so happens, the third full moon of 2019 rose at precisely 8:42 last night, Dallas time. And, right there with it, the third single from an in-progress space opera appeared on our Earthly YouTube channels at that exact time.

The conceptual “Spirits of Ingenii” finds the trio of Piscea Xandaria, Starre Lux Aeterna and Venoo Andromeda channeling the human voices of local Earthlings Poppy Xander, Sharla Franklin and Chelsey Danielle conveying the portion of their ongoing narrative in which the Pre-Nectarian Ancient Spirits of Ingenii on the Dark Side of the Moon first teach our heroes to bend space and time.

Of course, that’s just scratching the surface of the complex tale being woven here in slightly more digestible monthly installments. The rest of the story will be revealed in time – like when the band beams back down to our little corner of the solar system for a live performance at the Double Wide on Friday, April 5.

In the meantime, check out their latest broadcast below.

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