Our First Oh, Snap! Variety Show Night at The Whippersnapper Was A Sloppy Good Time.
So, last Thursday night, we tried something new. Along with our pals at The Whippersnapper on McMillan Avenue (just off of Henderson), we threw a wide-ranging “variety show” called “Oh, Snap!”, in which we threw a whole slew of entertainment options together and hoped that it worked.
And y’know what? It most certainly did.
We started off the night with some comedy from Alex Gaskin and Clint Werth, transitioned into a live power hour (with $1 domestic beer specials!) soundtracked by the boys from 60 Minutes in Heaven, and then danced the night away to the selections of DJs Goody and Dilly. Along the way, we also checked out the live artistic stylings of DTOX and even had our futures foretold by an on-site fortune teller.
Was it a sloppy time? Abso-freakin’-lutely. But was it a good time? No doubt whatsoever.
So, yeah, we’ll be doing it all again at some point on a Thursday next month, too. Keep an eye out for information on that front — all we know for sure, really, is that 60 Minutes in Heaven will almost certainly be back and that we’re looking to spread the love around some on the comedy and art fronts. We expect those details will fall into place shortly.
In the meantime, check out Ashley Gongora’s photos from the kickoff to this new monthly event below.