Wait Till You See What The Anvil Pub Crew Has In Store For Their Massive Bloody Mary This Month.

Earlier this month, we hipped you to what we called “The Biggest Drink in Dallas,” the so-called “Fuckbrunch” offered up at the Anvil Pub.

And it seems we started something of a craze with that post. Just a couple hours after our original post, New York Magazine‘s food blog, Grub Street, linked to our story and wondered aloud: “Can We Stop Putting All This Extra Junk in Our Bloody Marys?”

The short answer to that query? No. At least not so far as the folks at Anvil Pub are concerned.

Since that post, bartenders at the favored Deep Ellum hangout spot say they’ve been inundated with “Fuckbrunch” drink questions and orders.

“It’s been crazy,” Anvil bartender Ashleigh Steinwender tells us. “Every single day, someone asks about it.”

One problem: As stated pretty clearly (and multiple times, no less) in that original piece, the drink’s a once-a-month special. It’s too much of a burden to build to be offered any more regularly than that.

Well, fret no more, curious Dallas drinkers: This Sunday, March 24, the Fuckbrunch will return to Anvil. And, per monthly tradition, this weekend’s offering will be unique, featuring a whole new batch of ingredients. This month will find the bar stuffing baked quail eggs, bacon-wrapped jalapenos, various cheeses and veggies, beef jerky and a hamburger slider topped with a fried quail egg into its massive Bloody Mary, which, per usual, will be served with a glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and will cost $20 to order.

Says Anvil co-owner Loc Holman, the creator of the drink on this month’s offering: “We’re going with a kind of Easter theme on this one.”

Easter Sunday, of course, isn’t until next weekend. But, whatever, that ingredient list sounds both delicious and appropriately absurd. Which is exactly the point.

Check out last month’s offering, which featured a bacon-and-cheddar slider, shrimp, artisan cheeses, beef jerky, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, okra, a pickle, onions, tomatoes, olives and even a whole crawfish below.

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