Scenes From Last Night's Washed Out Show at the Granada Theater.
Only 10 months after his last performance at the Granada Theater, chillwave favorite Erne...
Are You Ready For Some Football?
When the cat's away, the mice will play -- or so goes one of the oldest adages in the book. Well, when the Queen is away,...
Bethan Did Better Than Expected This Week.
Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putting in w...
Fall Gallery Season Is Here. So, Too, Is Our Guide To Properly Taking In Its Big Opening Night.
Welcome to Canvassing, our weekly look at the conversations tha...
Dallas' Next New Record Store Is Big: The 15,500-Square-Foot Josey Records Is Coming Soon.
At the moment, it mostly looks the part of an empty warehouse. But, ...
Dead Flowers Put Out Fires as the Toadies and Bethan Heat Up.
2014 has undeniably been the Toadies' year. The band has headlined local festivals like Home...
Scenes From Sunday's Mad Decent Block Party.
A wise, anonymous soul once said, "Life's not a sprint; it's a marathon."
Never before was this phrase so appli...
Scenes From Saturday's Clearfork Festival in Fort Worth.
A couple songs into The Black Angels' headlining set at the second annual Clearfork Festival...
Spread Your Wings.
This just in: According to her creators, Hello Kitty isn't a cat -- at least not in the sense that we Americans think of as cats. Says ...
This Week, Sarah Jaffe Was Majestic.
Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putting in work an...