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Bad Meaning Good.

Bad Moms Might Provide The Most Consistent Laughs Of Any Comedy This Summer. Bad Moms. Director: Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. Writers: Jon Lucas and Scott Moor...

Funny, Not Funny.

Dallas Writer Hal Karp Shares His Harrowing Experience In Helping Make The Engrossing Doc, Tickled. The first time I heard about this documentary Tickled, I im...

Model Behavior?

Is The DPD Really The Model Police Department That Everyone Keeps Saying It Is? According to Twitter and a hot new T-shirt, folks have been so impressed with D...

Set The Record Straight.

Let's Clear Up Some Misconceptions Still Floating Around About The Downtown Dallas Attack. After events like the ones that unfolded in Downtown Dallas last Thu...

Making A Monster.

Micah Johnson's Actions Were A Direct Result Of The Injustice Of The American Judicial System. The horrific shooting that occurred in Downtown Dallas on Thursd...

On The Mend.

Ten Events This Week To Help Dallas On The Road To Recovery. In the wake of last Thursday's tragedy, several groups have organized memorials, vigils and other ...

Unsung Heroes.

These Are Just Some Of The Heroes From Thursday Night's Attack In Downtown Dallas. Nearly every time the country faces some sort of national disaster or crisis...

Flipping The Bird.

Why Did DPD Wait 17 Hours To Delete Its Tweets Naming Mark Hughes A Suspect In The Dallas Shootings? After some 17 hours of circulating around the internet, tw...


Thursday Night Started Off Beautifully In Downtown Dallas. Then The Gunfire Came Raining Down. Thursday night started with a peaceful protest and march in Down...

Trump In Dallas.

Things Were Mostly Orderly Outside Of Donald Trump's Latest Campaign Rally In Dallas. Mostly. Two blocks away from Thursday evening's scheduled Donald Trump pr...