In Spite Of Abysmal Ratings, The Real Housewives Of Dallas Will Come Back For A Second Season.

Break out the Jesus Juice, because in spite of its embarrassingly low ratings, The Real Housewives of Dallas is reportedly coming back for a second season.

Hey, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

See also:
Reign On. // The Dallas-Set Queen of the South is Getting a Second Season.
The Real Deal. // Five Things My Friend in New York Learned About Dallas From The Real Housewives Of Dallas‘ Premiere.
Real Talk. // Quiz: Who Sait It, One of the Real Housewives of Dallas, or Polio Vaccine-Discovering Scientist Jonas Salk?

It should be noted, though, that it appears as if not everyone’s coming back. Tiffany Hendra and her butt-rocker hubby Aaron have apparently walked away from the program of their own accord. Word is Hendra will be replaced by two new cast members — one Kameron Westcott and a player to be named later.

Named one of D Magazine‘s most beautiful women in Dallas back in 2009, Westcott is a designer of fancy dog clothes and the wife of Court Wescott, a nail salon owner who also helps manage his daddy’s multi-bajillion dollar investment firm, Wescott LLC. And, not that it matters, but Court has a brother named Chart!

Anyway, point is, despite somehow being less interesting than some place called Potomac, the real-life married females of the nice parts of Dallas will be back on the small screen for a while longer.

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