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Pet Shop Boys.

A Group Of Women-Hating Pick-Up Artists Is Planning Secret Meet-Ups In Dallas And Denton. If the name Daryush Valizadeh -- or Roosh V, as he's more common...


Looking Back At The Best And Worst Of Dallas In 2015. Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality of life in Dallas and its surrounding are...

The Year In Movies.

Our Movie Critics Pick Their Favorite Films And Performances of 2015. This year, we here at Central Track reviewed more films than we previously ever have in a...

Making A Mockery.

Dallas Gun Activists Staged A Mock Mass Shooting At The University of Texas at Austin on Saturday. The mock mass shooting that was staged at the University of ...


a Comon Sense Approach toPot Provides a Nice Lift This Week. Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality of life in Dallas and its surround...


This Week, Various Overreactions Kicked Dallas While It Was Down. Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality of life in Dallas and its sur...


Our Mayor Took An Awesome Stand, But Most Everything Else Around Here Went To Shit This Week. Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality o...

It's Just Banter.

On Johnny Manziel's Benching, A Concrete Plant's Move and The Greatness of Fargo. If you're a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably ...

Homecoming King.

Leon Bridges Ends A Breakout Year With A Near Perfect, Sold-Out Show At The Majestic. Leon Bridges' brand of music quite obviously has its eye squarely set in ...