Clearly Cookies, The Dallas Company Behind The Fidget Spinner Cookie, Is Back On Its Meme Shit, Selling A Version Of Tide Pods That You Can Actually Eat.

So help me God, this Tide Pod thing ain’t no joke: People are really eating these multi-colored laundry detergent packages, to the tune of 12,000 poison control center calls last year alone.

Complicated though the human psyche may be, it seems our minds have not yet evolved past the point of seeing something bite-sized and brightly colored and wondering how it might taste — even if we know it’s not in our best interest.

Props, then, to Dallas bakery Clearly Cookies, which is providing a healthy — or, well, not poisonous — alternative to eating those sweet, sweet packets of orange and blue. Last week, the online bakery announced that it is now selling edible versions of Tide Pods — layered sugar cookies, really, with frosting that mimics the most popular Tide Pod designs on the top and a middle layer filled with sprinkles to mimic the real pods’ soap beads.


Turns out, though, this ain’t Clearly Cookies’ first rodeo in the realm of internet yucks. Last year, the memelords at the bakery also released a fidget-spinner inspired cookie.

Spook-tacular #fidgetspinnercookies. #halloween #halloweencookies #bloodandguts

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Shouts to Clearly Cookies for spending more time on the internet than any other bakery in Dallas. For their next trick, maybe they’ll try turning this classic Internet joke into something we can all eat?

(Hat tip to Eater.)

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