The Yellow Labrador Pup That Was Used By A Panhandler To Beg For Money Has Been Spared From Being Euthanized And Will Be Sent To Doggie Rehab In Austin.

The Lamb Of God has some paw-werful friends in high places.

A municipal judge ordered earlier today that Lamby, as the infamous panhandling prop is also known, will not have to be put down, following a community outcry and movement to have the dog’s life spared.

Judge Michael Acuna, who also ordered that Lamby be put down last month after the dog bit a little boy on the face, has now ruled that the dog be sent to Austin Pets Alive, a kill-free shelter and nonprofit organization in the state capital that rehabilitates pets that have been deemed dangerous and finds new homes for them.

The yellow Labrador was used as a prop by a panhandler named Sean Baugh to beg for money around downtown, Deep Ellum, Uptown and Bishop Arts. Baugh was often spotted forcing the dog to pose and strapping her into various mobile seats, which would sometimes put the dog in an uneasy, agitated state — actions that may have contributed to the attack.

Baugh’s treatment of Lamby caught the ire of many on social media and the internet — ourselves included as we featured Baugh on our Asshat Of The Week column a few weeks ago.

The judge’s initial order prompted a community reaction that involved almost 12 attorneys representing Lamby and advocating for her to be spared from death row.

The Austin shelter, the DMN reports, will assume all liability for the dog’s well being and future actions.

“We’re very, very grateful the city has reconsidered its position,” George Milner III, one of Lamby’s attorneys, told the Dallas Morning News. “And we’re grateful that we found an outcome that doesn’t involve killing Lamby.”


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