Chills 360 To Bring Much-Hyped Thai-Style Ice Cream Rolls To Dallas Starting On October 7.
If you’ve been on basically any social media channel in the last year, you’ve likely stumbled upon a video that looks a heck of a lot like this one:
What you’re seeing there is a hypnotic little ice cream-making method that was developed in Thailand in which cream is directly applied to a chilled surface, frozen right before your eyes and shaped into an ice cream roll. It’s a process that’s all the rage in New York and in L.A., and, starting on October 7, it’ll be in Dallas too, becoming the latest in a suddenly long line of new ice cream treats in town competing for your dollars and Instagram postings.
Specifically, these treats will be found in Deep Ellum — and in a pretty interesting location at that.
Opening day will find the now-hiring Chills 360 team celebrating their arrival in town by giving 10 customers free ice cream for a month, if committing to a month’s worth of something you’ve never had before sounds like a good deal to you.
Eh, what’s life without a few gambles?