On Reactions To Political Progression And Thoughts On The Greatest Hockey Fight Hypothetical Ever.
If you're a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7 FM, you probably feel like you already know TC Fleming and Jake Kemp well. And if you're not a listener of The Ticket? Well, whatever. You're about to get real familiar with these two just the same. Wanna hear past episodes? You can check out IJB's archives here and on our Soundcloud page. Wanna subscribe to the podcast on iTunes? Do so here.
If you're alienated by political talk, well, then you've been steadily making odder and odder podcast listening choices of late, as it feels like we've been talking about that sort of thing more and more in recent times.
But this episode, I concede, is especially political. And that's appropriate, I guess, given the events of the last week. Make no mistake: We're happy with the Supreme Court's decision recent ruling on marriage. But we're a little frustrated by the reactions to it, too.
I don't know. My therapist and I should maybe focus on that next time.
Anyway, we also try this week to put a finger on why so many people think this will lead to men and dogs getting married in the immediate future.
Finally, we end this week's podcast on a far less political theme — one having to do with a hockey arena deathmatch, Consider that chatter just a little preview of the remix, though. We definitely plan on revisiting that topic during a later episode.