On The Sex Lives Of The Clintons and Whether Football Coaches Have To Be Such Jerks.
If you’re a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably feel like you already know TC Fleming and Jake Kemp well. And if you’re not a listener of The Ticket? Well, whatever. You’re about to get real familiar with these two just the same through their own channel of this podcast called It’s Just Banter. Wanna hear past episodes? You can check out IJB’s archives here and on our Soundcloud page. Wanna subscribe to the podcast on iTunes? Do so here.
Think about this, friends: Has Bill Clinton cheated on his wife since the Lewinsky scandal? For the sake of conversation here, Jake argues that he has, and I say he hasn’t.
My logic? How could you keep something like that secret in this day and age? Think of how many people are always chasing that story! It’s not like he could reliably keep that stuff secret before Lewinsky anyway; there were rumors about his philandering back when he was a governor. And now, with infinitely more ways to get caught, he keeps up the same behavior and somehow the trail goes cold? Nah. He has to have found some way to address the behavior. Or at least I make that argument.
Next up this week, we argue about the value of coaches psychologically manipulating their charges. Watching Hard Knocks, I get reminded of the movie Whiplash at points. I think some of the football audience might not grasp the downside to the coarsest of approaches, and you gotta consider that. Still, Jake makes some good points about why this behavior might be more necessary than the current pro sports landscape makes it appear.
Listen in! — TC Fleming