On Presidential Masturbation, People Who Speak In Tongues and Whether The NBA Is Rigged.

If you’re a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably feel like you already know TC Fleming and Jake Kemp well. And if you’re not a listener of The Ticket? Well, whatever. You’re about to get real familiar with these two just the same through their own channel of this podcast called It’s Just Banter. Wanna hear past episodes? You can check out IJB’s archives here and on our Soundcloud page. Wanna subscribe to the podcast on iTunes? Do so here.

If you weren’t at Off The Record last night for our most recent IJB live taping, you really missed out. You could’ve gotten a free M&M from me! As it stands, you can at least capture most of the experience by listening to the conversations we had while there.

The Off The Record shows are always the best ones, and this one was a sizzler per usual. After starting off by remembering Chris Gaines — as one does — we move into some talk about what access President Obama has to porn. Are people keeping too close of tabs on the president for him to get some quality time with the private browsing? There are passionately-made arguments on both sides!

Speaking of passionate things, Jake has some thoughts on people who speak in tongues and how their actions may not be 100 percent authentic.

Then, after a break, authenticity (or a lack thereof) remains the name of the game as our chat finished with some talk of hypnosis and whether or not the NBA is rigged.

Listen in. — TC Fleming

Cover photo by Daniel Schwen, via WikiCommons.

















































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