The Lodge Is More Than Just Another Strip Club.
Dear The Lodge,
We don't hang out very often, but when we do, I cherish ever dollar — er, moment — spent with you. That's because you really know how to treat a customer.
Honestly? I pretty much feel like royalty whenever I'm in your presence.
Why? let me count the ways.
For starters: I know this isn't necessarily the first thing that people think about when they think about you, but I'll be damned if you don't know how to feed a person well. Your steaks are always on point, your five-pepper chicken pasta is divine, and, as if those two options weren't enough, you even have some healthy choices on your menu.
I mean, c'mon: A buffalo burger? In a strip club? You're awesome.
And what's really crazy is that your prices are even pretty fair. Also? Unlike so many other establishments of your ilk, it doesn't feel gross to be eating while one of your beautiful dancers struts her mostly-naked self around my dinner table.
Nope, I never even think about sanitation when I'm all up in you. Never even crosses my mind. And why would it? Your place isn't just clean, it's welcoming and well-managed. Never have I once felt uneasy around you — again, no small thing considering how seedy some other, lesser strip clubs can be.
I don't think this just because you're owned by a woman or that you're, like, one of the best-rated strip clubs in the whole entire nation, either. You're just good at what you do.
When you first opened in 1996, I was just a wee lassie, I admit. But, when I celebrated my 21st birthday a few years back, I made sure I did it with you — mostly because I know that you know how to make sure a guest has a good time.
You're obviously doing things right. A full 17 years in, you remain crazy popular in this town, which, we all know, boasts its fair share of strip joints.
Sure, the women you employ are beautiful — everyone knows that. But they're also, in my experience, both intelligent and confident. And, more important than that, they're downright proud to be working with you. That's no small feat.
Also, lest we forget, even your awe-inspiring interior is elegant. I mean, really, who's ever seen that much taxidermy in one place, let alone in a strip joint? It's like I'm an honored trophy sportsman when I take a seat in your Library or your Wine Cellar. Hell, it's like I'm transported to another place altogether — maybe the Rocky Mountains — as I sip on your fine wine and dine with my dear friends around a fire.
(Yes, I bring my friends with me when you and I hang out together. They like you, too.)
I just truly, honestly admire you and all that you bring to the Dallas club scene. And I just wanted to finally tell you how I feel.
I think about you often, to tell you the truth. And, I promise, I'll come visit with you again real soon. See you then, yes?
With utmost sincerity,
Heather and the rest of the Central Track staff.
Cover photo via The Lodge's Facebook page.