Mark Cuban Says Mavericks Practice Facility In Design District Won’t Affect Community Beer Co.

Mark Cuban’s been earning himself a whole lot of good-guy points lately.

Earlier this month, in an article about skyrocketing ticket prices at professional sports arenas around the country, the Dallas Mavericks owner detailed to The New York Times his strategy for keeping seats affordable for his team’s fans.

This, meanwhile, came right on the heels of the news that his team would be expanding its operations outside of the American Airlines Center by building a new practice facility and team headquarters in the Design District, right across the North Stemmons Freeway from the arena — a deal, Cuban told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, he made without taking any incentives and without any threat of moving outside of city limits (a la certain other area sports franchises with the word “Dallas” in their name).

Pretty cool stuff, yeah? Well, here’s another reason to tip the ol’ ball cap Cuban’s way.

While most every article published about this real estate deal notes that the 10-acre plot purchased for the new facility includes the property upon which Community Beer Companyone of Dallas’ top breweries — sits, none have discussed what this means for the future of the brewery, which still has a few years left on its lease at its current location. Perhaps that’s because not even Community itself was quite sure when we reached out to them for their thoughts on Cuban’s purchase.

Cuban, however, now tells Central Track that Community needn’t worry about what’s in store.

The Mavericks facility will take up 90,000 to 100,000 square feet of space, Cuban writes in an email. But that space, he notes, will be wholly separate from Community’s operations, which lie outside of current construction plans.

Says Cuban: “They will stay in their lease.”

Well, alright then. That settles that. More good news, we’d say. And cause, perhaps, for a celebratory beer or two. How about a Mosaic IPA?

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