
You Are Now Rocking With Dallas’ Best.

Kids Today.

Forever The Sickest Kids' Jonathan Cook Was Arrested For Selling Fake Watches. Seems there's only so much money to be had in pop-punk kinda-stardom: ...

Buzz Rankings: 5/16.

This Week, Spooky Folk Leaves Town On A High Note. Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putt...

Rules of the Road.

Kylesa's Laura Pleasants Takes Us Through The Ups and Downs of a Six-Week Tour. Tomorrow night, the Savannah, Georgia-based sludge metal-meets-psychedelic...

Melt Your Heart.

Meltdown Festival Donates $10,000 to West Relief Fund. Looks like, along with "wild" and "hype," we can now add the word "philanthropic" to the list of descrip...

Show of Support.

Wanna Be In A Scripted Show About Good Records? Like any good music-obsessed Dallasite, Christopher Telles is a big fan of the revered Lower Greenville record ...

The Bandwagon.

The Wheels On The Phuss Bus Go Round and Round. Behind every great band is a great van. And when these former church vans, daycare buses and plumber's wo...

The Sound of Summer.

Killtron Kicks Off Our Exclusive Summer Mix Series. As part of the Guide to Summer package we're rolling out on the site all week long, we asked a number ...

White Noise.

Mike Scaccia Gets A Tribute and Pantera (Sorta) Reunites. Back in March, ex-Pantera bassist Rex Brown and singer Phil Anselmo vied for attention momentarily wh...

Choked Out.

Scenes From Sunday Night's Kvelertak Show at Dada. As if grasping the differences between thrash metal and hardcore punk hasn't already proven a diff...

Home Cookin'.

The Music of Homegrown '13. OK, everyone. Cut me some slack in advance here and allow me to say the following blunt, likely sweepingly generalized stateme...