
You Are Now Rocking With Dallas’ Best.

Selective Hearing.

If You're Coming To Friday's Red Bull Sound Select Show, You Better Come Early. When we introduced the Red Bull Sound Select concept to you back in J...

Light The Way.

Scenes From Last Night's Free Double Wide Show From Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights. With the band headed West Texas' way for a short string of ...

Balanced Meal.

Scenes From Tuesday Night's Casey Veggies and Travi$ Scott Show at Trees. Tuesday night at Trees was an eventful one, to say the least. Dominant Texas hip...

White Noise.

Fishboy Preps A New Release and Reverend Horton Heat Gets Saucy. Say what you will about Eric "Fishboy" Michener's musical output, but there's no arg...

Yes You Can.

Spune Announces Untapped Festival Offshoot For Denton Called Canned. Aluminum cans rule. They preserve taste with their tight seal, and keep our brews at their...

Sexy Time.

Scenes From Friday Night's CSS Show at the House of Blues Though the novelty of the band's sound may have worn off over the years, and though their n...

The Good Life.

Scenes From Saturday Night's Big Sean Show at Dr Pepper Arena. It's hard to be the new kid in town sometimes, and American Swag Company learned that ...

Songs About Dallas.

Hanson's "Make It Out Alive." There are a ton of songs about or inspired by Dallas, and they say a lot about who we are. So each week in this space, we�...

Shut The City Down.

The Best Rappers In Dallas*. (*OK, We Mean North Texas.) Even if you don't rank them in any particular order, compiling a list of the area's best rap...

Still To Come.

The Most Anticipated Local Albums For The Rest of 2013. We've only just passed the midway point of the year, and, already, this sucker's been a good ...