Scenes From Last Night's Travis $cott and Young Thug Show at House of Blues.
In the very short hour and a half or so that Houston's Travis $cott and ...
St. Vincent Pairs Up With The DSO, The Outfit Dresses Well and Math Proves Leon Bridges' Hype.
You may recall the self-perpetuated narrative going around ...
Scenes From Sunday's Eighth Annual Spillover Music Festival.
Dallas show promotion agency Parade of Flesh's annual Sunday-after-South-By-Southwest ba...
The Best Crowd Shots From South by So What?! 2015.
Whether it's more because an event like South By So What?! attracts so many younger, not-so-jaded types...
Scenes From This Weekend's Eighth Annual South By So What?! Festival at QuickTrip Park.
This past weekend, South By So What?! made its eighth annual post-...
Leon Bridges Won SXSW and Is Now Eyeing The Late-Night Talk Show Circuit.
It's rather fortuitous that Rembert Browne's interview feature on Fort Wort...
Scenes From Saturday Night's Raury Show at Dada.
The beat on the buzzy young, Atlanta-sprung upstart Raury is that his music tough to describe. And perhap...
Scenes From Last Night's Black Milk Show at Three Links.
I've spent all day trying to come up with a reason as to why there were only about 50 people...
Eight Years In, Spillover Is Dallas' Most Interesting Fest.
We've stopped going to SXSW in recent years, partly because it's just the worst but also because Pa...