Burn One Down.
Good news, Google has finally killed CAPTCHA, aka that thing where you have to type two squiggly, indecipherable words into a box to prove you’r...
Get Cultured.
In two weeks, you’ll be able to score bags of Starburst candies with only the pink ones. No more time spent digging through the yellows and orang...
Have Some Pi.
Today we celebrate that area-of-a-circle-finding mathematical constant pi. It’s important for all kinds of things, like finding circumferences of...
Have An Ordinary Day.
Did you know WD-40 is good for all kinds of tasks, beyond just lubricating things? It is! From cleaning many types of stains, to starting...
Set The Building On Fire.
St. Patrick’s Day is on its way, a holiday whose real meaning has been lost on us but we’re still on board with anyway because drinki...
Get Lucky.
Have you been listening to the new Missing Richard Simmons podcast? It’s pretty interesting thus far, a tad sensational/conspiratorial, perhaps. But...
Shake The Tambourine Slowly.
In honor of out-of-his-element-Donny naming his new Obamacare replacement healthcare plan the
"World's Greatest Healthcare Plan o...
To The Moon, Alice.
Like the national "Day Without an Immigrant" protest last month, many women around the country will use today's International Women's Day h...
Ask For the Moon.
Last month, a man in Cleveland was caught and arrested during a carjacking because he couldn’t drive a stick. That’s called not planning ahea...
Go C-R-A-Z-Y.
Ever feel like you're being watched? Well, we don't mean to freak you out, but you might be president of These United States!
Good thing is, y...