Play Your Part.
From population growth to energy resources, these five numbers, says a BBC report will define what the next 100 years will bring. Admittedly, i...
High Five!
Move over Pizza Rat, Taco Squirrel is the new king of Meme Town. That’s what you get when you sit up in your tree chowing down on a taco shell rough...
All Is Fair.
Though it often gets a bad rap, we should be drinking more boxed wine. As long as you’re paying at least $10 for the box, you’re probably getting ...
Dog It.
Assuming you’ve got the right VR phone setup, there’s a new virtual simulation called the Cage Cage that replicates the sensation of being locked in a ...
Viva Los Tacos.
If you put together something called a Neural Network, you can teach it things, and it can eventually learn to start doing things on its own. F...
Play Ball.
When Al Gore invented the internet, it was to make our lives easier and more convenient. And it’s totally working. This year, you can even order Gir...
Slap Us Five.
Not to freak you out, but 68 percent of bathrooms and 75 percent of bedrooms have at leats one spider in them. In fact, there are 29 million tons...
Shiver With Antici...Pation.
Here’s a fun story to start the weekend. It’s about an Uber driver that discovered her boyfriend was cheating when she randomly pi...
Flow With It.
Running a marathon, says the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, is just as rough on your kidneys as undergoing heart surgery. Nuts!
As if we...
O’ Be Joyful.
A 16-year-old blackbelt in taekwondo recently set a Guinness World Record by breaking 65 concrete blocks with his head using a front-flip techniq...