Show Some Grace Under Pressure.
A common internet complaint is that millennials don't know how to do things for themselves. For instance, some guys out in Wash...
Club Goin' Up On A Tuesday.
And we are literally turning up our volumes in the club on a Tuesday. Unfortunately, ILOVEMAKONNEN is not included in one of these...
Feels Like a Monday.
The winning word at the 2017 Scripps National Spelling Bee was 'marocain,' a type of dress fabric. Now you know how to spell that and what...
Plan your week, Dallas.
We're having a busy week here at Central Track!
On Monday night, we'll be hosting the Deep Ellum Spelling Bee. And on Friday, we're ...
It's That Time Again.
Well, we made it through another work week and just a little bit closer to that future we've all been dreaming about.
Wait, which futu...
Have A Nice Covfefe.
In his never-ending quest to provide jokes for the internet, President Donald J. Trump confused the nation yesterday by creating a new wor...
Dance Like No One Is Watching.
Yet another dance competition joined the fray with the help of executive producer (and renowned booty shaker) Jennifer Lopez las...
Back To Regularly Scheduled Programming.
Just because you're back at work and the three-day weekend is over doesn't mean the fun has to end. In fact, we here a...
Thank Goodness For Short Weeks.
We made it through the barbecue-filled weekend! And now we've officially kicked off peak hot dog-eating season. Seriously: Betw...
Everybody's Working For The Three-Day Weekend.
Schlubs like you you and I may work for the weekend, but you know who doesn't? Mark Zuckerberg, who gave the com...