Fall For Chairlift At Dada.
This past weekend was one of the busiest we can remember in quite some time. That being said, it would make sense that tonight woul...
Get The Jump On Your 4/15 - 4/21 Plans.
Coming off one of the busiest weekends in recent memory -- one heavily fueled by arts-related events -- things continue...
Sip And Sample At The Big Texas Beer Fest.
Capping off this huge, art-filled weekend -- aka The Big Week in Big D -- we celebrate with beer drinking and shoppi...
As Tornadoes Ripped Through Lancaster, One Adult Store Stayed Strong.
As you know, a rash of tornadoes hit the Dallas area last week -- some 16, last we heard....
Get A 13 Tatt At Elm Street Tattoo.
As we mentioned yesterday, this has been shaping up to be one of the busiest weekends in Dallas in sometime. Many -- such a...
The Granada Theater Dishes Up A Serving Of Spoon.
Well, we've been doing the whole daily to-do post thing for two months now, and we can't think of a...
Lions, Sharks and Babies. What Could Go Wrong?
Welcome to D-Rated, our weekly feature that tries to determine if things are looking up or down for Dallasites b...
Stay Positive With The Hold Steady At The Palladium.
There's something about spring weather that just exudes baseball season. So head out to the ballpark ...
Hey Girl, We Hear You Didn't Get Tickets To At The Drive-In. How About Some Real Estate?
Much like the oft-reminisced about '91 Nirvana show at Trees...
Did Dallas TV Turn A Corner Last Night?
Begrudgingly, we here at CT HQ have been watching a fair amount of Dallas-related television programs this season. And,...