
The Threads Of A Greater Dallas Fabric.


Ashley Judd To Film NBC Pilot in Dallas This Month. Pretty cool news out of the Dallas Film Commission today: NBC has confirmed that it will be filming two sep...

Race To The Bottom.

In Rant Against Racial Stereotyping, Stephen Colbert Misidentifies Area Bartender's Race. A funny thing happened during a recent Colbert Show bit that att...

Well & Good.

The Guys Behind The Mavericks' Viral Videos Are About To Start Working With The Cowboys, Too. Spend any time in Dallas at all and, chances are, Cash Siroi...

Things To Do on Monday, March 3.

Go On An Adventure. Last night, Ellen DeGeneres' Oscars selfie became the most re-tweeted tweet ever to have been tweeted on the Twitters. So you can all ...

Crush of the Week.

Way To Up Your Social Media Game, Dallas Police Department! Dear Dallas Police Department,What's new with ya? We're sure this week’s been a pretty lo...

Same City, Different Night.

Downtown Dallas Lights Go Rainbow-Colored In Support of Same-Sex Marriage Ruling. Whether anything actually comes of from yesterday's watershed news out of San...