Think Inside The Box.
Recently, a guy with way too much time on his hands spent an entire weekend computing the optimal search strategy to find the titular cha...
Scientifically Accurate Barney Is A Harrowing Watch, Will Force You To Question Your Entire Being.
There's a good reason why Sheryl Stamps Leach is the 47...
Live Dangerously.
Spend enough time doing any one thing over and over, and you can become a master of your craft. Take this guy, for instance. He's played...
Reach For The Stars.
Yesterday was Groundhog's Day, which means that, for the second day in a row now, we find ourselves leading things off with a mention...
The 26 Best Dallas Observer Lists Of 2015, So Far.
Welcome to Ranked, our recurring column in which we take a long, hard look at oddly specific things pertaini...
Walk Away.
With another Super Bowl is in the books, it's now possible to look back at all the predictions made by various game-picking animals, to find ou...
Sometimes, when you're bored, you listlessly wander around the house looking for something to occupy your time. Sometimes, when you listlessly ...
Sometimes, all we want to do is park it in front of the Chromecast and do nothing but binge-watch old episodes of Dawson's Creek on Netflix, entir...
Black Out.
Recently the bomb ass manchild collective known as Dude Perfect -- y'know, the guys that have filmed so many insane viral videos around these p...