Here's A Dumb Thing To Brighten Your Day: Check Out The Pooping On Bluebonnets Tumblr.
We like a good Tumblr page around these parts -- y'know, supposing it's ...
Be In The Kitchen Cooking Pies With Your Baby.
Recently, two friends in Mumbai got in a fight after arguing who was the best football (read: soccer) player in ...
Young Dallas Power Couple Sam Lao and Jeremy Biggers Basically Ran Dallas Culture This Weekend.
Individually, Dallas fashion designer/videographer/photographer...
Minor League Call-Ups And A Cagy Vet Kept The Stars Afloat This Week.
Led by the "New Triplets," the Dallas Stars are a fast-and-furious squad that have quickl...
Smut. It. Out.
We all know that using phones while driving can be a dangerous proposition. But that's not the only danger of using one's phone. Alrea...
Where Ya At.
According to new research, "between 2009 and 2014, there were an estimated 17,968 emergency room visits for foreign bodies stuck in a rectum." Fur...
Dallas Is Getting A Pro Ultimate Frisbee Team And Three Of The Sport's Biggest Names Are On It.
Dallas is well-stocked when it comes to professional sport...
SMU's 80-54 Win Over UConn Last Night Was Cool. The Emotional Goodbye To Its Seniors Was Cooler
Odd as it may seem, SMU's dominant 80-54 victory over...
Criminals Are Getting Away On Hoverboards Now.
Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality of life in Dallas and its surrounding areas is m...