Is This Abandoned Naval Base Near Grand Prairie Where Dallas Should Dump Its Homeless?
On the morning of Tuesday, April 26, City of Dallas-paid workers began e...
McKinney Voters OK Construction On Nation's Most Expensive High School Football Stadium.
This weekend, voters in the north Dallas suburb of McKinney approved a...
KISS the Cook.
The next big viral challenge trend? Eating corn on the cob off a power drill. And just like all those Ice Bucket Challenge #fail video compilati...
It’s Skate or Die Tonight For the Dallas Stars.
Led by the "New Triplets," the Dallas Stars are a fast-and-furious squad that have quickly become the darlings ...
All Hail Queen Bey.
Get this, Quidditch is real. Sorta. In lieu of magic, those not afraid of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane can play a close approxi...
Get In Formation.
Similar to Korea's "Meok Bang" trend, where attractive women eat food in front of you via webcam, the 24-hour "Cats Meok Bang" live feed feat...
A Killed North Texas Bathroom Bill Has Us Back In The Black.
Welcome to D-Rated, in which we try to determine if the quality of life in Dallas and its surround...
Brace For Impact.
Well when you're sitting back in your rose pink Cadillac, making bets on Kentucky Derby Day, I'll be in my computer room, browsing through to...
May the Fifth Be With You.
Did you know you could us tequila to make synthetic diamonds? Well, it's true. All you've gotta do is vaporize it, then heat that va...
On Why We Learn The Things We Do As Children And What It's Like To Work In The Bigs.
If you're a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably feel like yo...