Dallas Comedian Aaron Aryanpur's New Comedy Album Debuted At No. 1 On The iTunes Charts.
On Friday, local comedian Aaron Aryanpur released his first album, In ...
Get Back in the Saddle.
Taco Bell's about to come out with a burrito stuffed with Cheetos. Sounds like either a date with death or at least a night on the toil...
Take the Long Way.
This weekend, professional skydiver/stuntman/crazy person Luke Aikins jumped out of a plane without a parachute. Using just the aerodynamics...
Take Off Your Pants And Jacket.
With age comes wisdom. And in the cases of cheese and wine, improved quality and taste. So this 340-year-old cheese that was re...
Dallas Market Center To Host Three-Day Vape Convention In August.
Vaping. For better or more likely worse, it's an activity with which we're all familiar in 20...
Stu Hollowell and Shane Silagi’s LoL Nonprofit Is Helping Denton, One Dick Joke At A Time.
Welcome to Humor Us, our column in which Dallas comedian Alex Gaskin...
Add Some Variety To Your Week.
This week’s Democratic National Convention was indeed a historic one. The Delegates on the floor voted Hillary Clinton for presi...
On The Illusion Of Free Will, Made Up Diseases and Rapping Racists.
If you're a listener of KTCK 1310-AM or 96.7-FM, you probably feel like you already know TC...
Go The Distance.
Get ready for the next superfood craze, because scientists say cockroach milk is definitely the wave of the future. Specifically the milk of t...
Don't Beat Around the Bush.
The internet loves adorable animals. For good reason – adorable animals are adorable. And adorable animals are even more adorable w...