Hey, People Without Cable: The NFL Is Broadcasting Tonight’s Dallas Cowboys-Minnesota Vikings Game On Twitter.

If you’re reading this, then, much like Tomi Lahren, you’re probably a millenial. And that means a few things:

  • You were born between 1982 and 2002.
  • The Atlantic writes about you constantly.
  • You have probably never made a phone call on a rotary phone.
  • You enjoy things ironically.
  • You love social media.
  • You have either already cut your cable TV subscription cord or are seriously considering it.

Let’s talk some about those last two parts. If they apply to you and you’re also a Dallas Cowboys fan — and why wouldn’t you be? — then you’re probably often left wondering how you’re going to watch a Cowboys game on a given week.

Well, this week at least, fret not, for the website Twitter.com has you totally covered!

As part of a deal struck this past off-season with the NFL, Twitter has been broadcasting all of the league’s Thursday Night Football games online this year. And tonight, in the Cowboys’ first Thursday night game of the season, as the team squares off against the Minnesota Purple People Eaters Vikings starting at 7:25 p.m., it will do so once again.

In other words: No bar crowds for you as you freak out over ball placements and catches. Just you and your laptop, just like God intended.

Anyway, if you want to watch the game on Twitter, all you’ve got to do is click right here. Super easy, right?

Twitter’s always here for us, my fellow millenials. Can’t wait till they tackle student loans.

Cover photo of Ezekiel Elliot actually just a screenshot of video game Ezekiel Elliot from Madden 17.

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