Cory Graves

Real Dynamo.

Denton Native Ela Darling Is Blazing A VR Porn Trail. By the end of 2016, virtual reality porn very well may be a billion dollar industry. According to Naughty...

The Spread.

Dallas Loses A Burger Icon, And A Smokey And The Bandit Bar Opens On Ross. Welcome to The Spread, our weekly feature that aims to share all the area restaurant...

White Noise.

Pharrell Readies His SOLUNA Piece, Billy Bob's Kills Smoking And JMBLYA Is For The Children. In the several months since it was announced, much has been w...

Dive Bombed.

The Bronx Set A Stage-Diving Record At Three Links On Friday. Before headlining Saturday's Taco Libre festival at Main Street Garden Park as its Latin-themed a...

Things To Do This Week.

Eat the Worm. Between Star Wars Day, Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day, there's all kinds of things to celebrate in the coming week, be it with a new Darth Vader ...

Songs Of The Week.

New Music From Conner Youngblood, Danny Cainco And More. Welcome to Songs of the Week, where we hip you to all the new local releases you should be caring abou...

Buzz Rankings: 4/28.

This Week, Erykah Badu Went On & On. Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putting in work an...

White Noise.

Erykah Badu and Others Remember Prince, Rhett Miller Joins Green Day and John Congleton Talks Cats. Much has happened in the music world since this time last ...

Bar Raised.

A Look At How Much The Top Bars In Dallas Earned In March, 2016. Texans like to spend copious amounts of their income participating in the Great American Pasti...

Best Nosebleed Ever.

Scenes From Friday Night's The Coathangers And Har Mar Superstar Show At Dada. As they are wont to do, Atlanta punk trio The Coathangers makes a handful of sto...

Cory Graves

Associate Editor

Cory Graves is the Associate Editor at Central Track. He enjoys not only writing about Dallas and its local music scene, but being a part of it as a member of the band Vandoliers. Courtney Love once referred to him onstage as “my fucking therapist,” which he immediately put on his resume.