Cory Graves

Buzz Rankings: 4/18.

This Week The O's Thunderdog Their Way To The Top. Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really...

White Noise.

Get Ready For One Of The Busiest Local Music Weekends Ever. If you haven't already noticed, this Saturday is shaping up to be ridiculously packed. For sta...

Songs About Dallas.

The York Brothers' Highland Park Girl. There are a ton of songs about or inspired by Dallas, and they say a lot about who we are. So each week in this spa...

Buzz Rankings: 4/11.

This Week, Ishi Sparks A Digital Revolution. Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putting in...

White Noise.

Spooky Folk Announces Their Farewell Show, and Daniel Hart Switches Gears. Albert Einstein once said that "coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous."...

Songs About Dallas.

The Mountain Goats' Blues In Dallas. There are a ton of songs about or inspired by Dallas, and they say a lot about who we are. So each week in this space...

Buzz Rankings: 4/4.

It's True, This Week The Polyphonic Spree Are Back On Top. Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town ar...

In The House.

Scenes From Saturday Night's We Are Dallas Bash. We Are Dallas' rallying cry, we already know, is threefold: The monthly party hosted by Dallas perso...

White Noise.

Pantera Stays In The News, Deep Fridays Return and Record Store Day's Around The Corner. We'll avoid using this space to write about Deep Ellum'...

Songs About Dallas.

The Felice Brothers' Dallas. There are a ton of songs about or inspired by Dallas, and they say a lot about who we are. So each week in this space, we...

Cory Graves

Associate Editor

Cory Graves is the Associate Editor at Central Track. He enjoys not only writing about Dallas and its local music scene, but being a part of it as a member of the band Vandoliers. Courtney Love once referred to him onstage as “my fucking therapist,” which he immediately put on his resume.