Scenes From Last Night's Kool A.D. and Fat Tony Show at Bryan Street Tavern.
Last night's crowd at Bryan Street Tavern was hardly the biggest the ven...
How To Avoid Your Residential Advisor (and Other Undesirables).
It's about that time of year when our youngest readers' summer days are numbered and ...
The New Torchy's Taco Location By SMU Opened Up In Grand Fashion Last Night.
Torchy's Tacos held a rather smart, rather fun grand opening party last ...
Take a Trip to Fang Island at Club Dada.
Tonight's a pretty good night for choices, since all of the events lined up are in a different vein of entertainm...
Air Raid, Bitches!
Welcome to D-Rated, our weekly feature that tries to determine if things are looking up or down for Dallasites by arbitrarily assigning poin...
Remembering The Lives of Shark Week, Handlebar Moustaches, That's What She Said and More!
Each week, dozens of memes, trends and pop culture items die qui...
Can The Rangers Catch Up To The Yankees?
Your Texas Rangers won two games in their three-game series against the Detroit Tigers over the weekend, with the grea...