Behold The Show Of Shows.
Feeling stressed after the SXSW/St. Patty's/Easter trifecta? Why not try out Neko Atsume, a Japanese smartphone game about colle...
Do Anything For Selenas.
Have you finally given in and checked out the totally unnecessary Adventure Time porn parody yet? If not, maybe don't bother. The...
Do What U Want.
Nearly every day since 1997, one man has been leading a quest to convince Pepsi to bring back Josta, its brief foray into the energy drink game...
Ready? Go!
According to MIT Technology Review, researchers have developed an algorithm that's able to detect when a person is drunk tweeting. This technol...
La La Lie.
In the next couple of years, one in four people will have dropped cable in favor of streaming services like Hulu. In the same way that cell phones p...
Drive Me To A Bar.
It's Wednesday, and for no other reason than that, here's a picture of a horse in a business suit. And because Wednesday is a day,...
Updated: Where To Find Daily Half-Priced and Discounted Food Deals In Dallas in 2016.
It's a scenario with which we're all a little too familiar at some point ...
Ramble On.
According to a number of studies and, well, common sense, laying off booze for even just one month can have tremendous positive health effects. Thos...
Come Full Circle.
As you could imagine, there's an infinite amount of ways to celebrate Pi Day. You could eat pie, you go throw pie, you could bake pie. Y...
Double Your Pleasure.
It says a lot about our society, our obsession with celebrities, memes, Internet culture and distaste for most politicians that two bros ...