No, Plano West Bullies. It Is You Who Suck.
Dear Plano West Bullies,
How are you guys doing today? Not well, we hope, after reading the texts y’all have been sending to at least one of your classmates.
Normally, we can at least sort of understand the motives of the people we deem asshats. But, in your case, we can’t even come close to imagining what’s going on.
How could you even begin to think it’s OK to send a text to anyone — much less someone who has a diminished capacity to defend themselves — wishing them death or that they be sexually assaulted? And for what exactly? Just to make yourself feel a little bit better about your obviously pathetic existence?
That is some genuinely sociopathic shit.
When people talk about the problems rape culture has wrought in our schools, you guys are what they are talking about. You’re monsters — creatures so threatened by anything or anyone outside of your exceedingly narrow worldview that you lash out in completely disgusting ways.
The worst problem facing American high schools isn’t a lack of funding or crappy teachers — although those are certainly issues that need to be addressed. No, the worst problems is you guys — the self-loathing, entitled brats who are causing an alarming number of your classmates to kill themselves.
Is that really what you want? For anyone who bugs you a little bit to just not exist anymore? If it is, what in the ever-loving fuck is wrong with you?
If it isn’t — and we sure hope it isn’t — it’s never too late to turn things around. Maybe instead of threatening sexual violence anonymously, you could show just the slightest amount of empathy and acknowledge everyone's humanity.
No one deserves what you are dishing out right now — ever.
High school sucks enough as is. Your classmates know this already, just as you do. They don’t need your help.
And neither does the rest of the world.
So just stop.
Stephen Young and the rest of the Central Track staff
Cover photo via Wikipedia.