St. Vincent Covers The National Anthem, Discusses Her Love For The Dallas Cowboys.

.Perhaps you’ve seen the below ad for the NFL, which has been airing on NBC of late during the Olympics:

As the above video notes, the killer version of “The Star-Spangled Banner” playing in it was commissioned by the NFL from Dallas’ own St. Vincent — a fact the musician herself, while armed with her own signature Ernie Ball guitar, dives into in a second, today-released clip in which she also details her upbringing as a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Check it out.

St. Vincent’s kind of been on a cover tip recently, performing her own version of Karen Dalton’s “Something on Your Mind” for David Lowery’s Pete’s Dragon remake, and covering the Golden Girls theme song apparently just for kicks.

But as the above clip shows, her direction for the anthem cover comes from a specific place. Here’s how she describes it: “I decided to do a version that was kind of bendy and a little bit manic or off-kiltered just to represent the idea of what it is to be an American, and how we’re going to be the best version of ourselves in the future in the kind of turbulent times in which we live.”

Also, it’s just cool to hear that even Annie Clark had dreams of being a Cowboy when she grew up, just like the rest of us, huh?

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