Our Editor’s Weekly Picks For Some Of The Best New Music From North Texans Include Cuts From Yella Beezy, Erica Banks, Sudie And More.

Listen, I know as Texans we’re supposed to default to disarray when the weather drops below 50 degrees, but this is actually a mandate from Mother Nature: stay home if you can.

The roads have been incredibly dangerous in North Texas, and, in case you forgot: there’s still a fucking pandemic going on, so consider this week’s playlist a soundtrack to not only stay socially distant, but staying warm on the couch, too. 

Sudie’s silky new single “Bad Bitch” will be the perfect score for your cozy week ahead. At the very least, it will give you a new go-to the next time you need to be reminded that you, too, are a bad bitch. 

The just-dropped “Black Paint” from Lorelei K is also perfect for this kind of climate. The dark wave single is a slight deviation from the avant-pop she’s known for, but it might just be favorite song she’s ever released. Her ghostly vocals are well suited for the scrappy drum beat and haunted riffs here.

Making their inaugural appearance on these spicy playlists is pop-punk band House Parties, and what a hell of a way to make a first impression. Their debut single “Hindsight” is bursting with a fiery, “let me at ‘em” punch. Pop-punk never truly died, but I have said for a while now we would soon see a resurrection of the genre’s visibility, and I’m very excited about the promise of it right here in North Texas with this new band. 

Oh, and please join me in appreciating this week’s amazing playlist cover, illustrated by our associate editor Jessi Pereira.

If you’re a musician in DFW who recently dropped something, or you’re just a fan of local music and think something should be on my radar: Please don’t hesitate to put me on at @alecspicey on Twitter or at [email protected].

Cover illustration by Jessi Pereira. 

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