It’s All About Balance With Yasmina’s Style Choices.
Name: Yasmina Johnston.
Age: 30
Found: Traffic LA.
Occupation: “I work here, and I am also a fashion designer.”
How would you describe your style? “A balance of different things, really. The balance of clean lines and something unconventional, the balance of showing skin and not showing skin, of being modest and being open. I like to have that wow factor piece and some other pieces to go along that support it.”
What are you wearing? “I’m wearing Madewell ankle booties, Zara pants, A DSquared2 shirt, a Polo blouse, an Edgar Miyamoto accessory hook — he’s actually a Dallas fashion designer! My belt is from Topshop, my rings are from Mexico and my necklace is from San Francisco.”
What inspires your sense of fashion? “I honestly don’t know! It just depends on my day-to-day mood. But I’ve been told that I wear a lot of black. Black is something that I think is really professional, clean and timeless.”