Ten Beloved Mexican-Produced Items You Already Buy That Will Cost Significantly More If President Trump’s Proposed 20 Percent Border Tax Comes To Pass.

It’s been only one week since Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, and he’s already managed to put the country – and the world – on edge through various means.

Yesterday, though, he caused a particular stir when his press secretary, Sean Spicer, suggested that the administration would consider asking Congress for new 20 percent tax on Mexican imports — a statement that the administration is already somewhat walking back — in order to pay for the construction of a wall along the entirety of the Mexico-U.S. border.

The administration would do well, we’d think, to walk this idea back completely. Mexican-made products are among some of the most universally loved creations. Just consider the following 10 products that are made south of the border, and how your life might change if their costs were increased by a 20 percent border tax on your wallet.

Honestly, this might be the most important article you’ll read today.

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