This Week, -topic Did Well For Himself.

Each week, we take a survey of the local music scene and try to determine which acts in town are really putting in work and seeing it pay off. Which bands have the most intriguing shows coming up? Which bands are getting the most press around town? Which bands have accomplished the most notable feats of late? Based off these criteria, our music writers submit a list to be weighted and compiled into a master list revealed each week in this here space. We like to think it’s fairly revealing. Check out our previous Buzz Rankings here.

On the one hand, the City of Dallas has given off the appearance of late of starting a war on art spaces and the artists that perform and display their work there. But, on the other, they’re putting themselves in the good graces of other artists by awarding them grants.

Sometimes both hands come together, such as when they awarded money to an event called Acoustic Nerves and then came and shut it down. Makes you wonder whether one hand knows what the other is doing most of the time, huh?

More recently, the city endeared itself, somewhat, to the music scene by awarding one of these grants, for the first time, to a musician. The beneficiary was -topic, who finds himself atop our weekly, local music power rankings for the second time, and his first time since January 2015.

Per the rapper, he’ll use the money from his grant to throw some events, including his birthday party next year, otherwise known as Cake Jam.

Also having a banner week was St. Vincent, who professed her love for the Dallas Cowboys with a “bendy” rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Another ex-pat, one Maren Morris, earned her spot from some cover tunes, too. Well, sorta. Later this year, she’ll appear on an episode of CMT’s Crossroads where she and Alicia Keys will duet on each other’s songs.

Likewise, Rat Rios covered the Twin Peaks theme for a retro-themed comp, and Leon Bridges covered The Temptations for The Get Down.

Further down the list, Jonas Martin, The Outfit TX, Ellen Once Again, Convextion and Bad Sports all released new albums. Similarly, Xes, Ishi, FXXXXY, Rikki Blu and NEONNOAH put out some new singles as well.

Elsewhere: Parallel Play played its last show, The Dividends announced a free Twilite show and Lizzie Boredom’s added a few more shows to its still-young belt.

(Also receiving votes: Bree & the Fellas, Party Static, Birds of Night, Tony Williams, Deep Blue Something, Mind Spiders, True Widow, Field Guide, Norah Jones, Allison Ponthier, VVOES, Vandoliers, They Say the Wind Made Them Crazy, Francine Thirteen, The Orange, She Banshee, Daniel Hart, The Van Sanchez, Cure for Paranoia, David Morgan, Whiskey Folk Ramblers, Moon Waves, Post Malone, Pearl Earl, Tidals, Loafers, Sarah Sellers, Claire Morales, Vegan Shark, The Me-Thinks, Duell, Panic Volcanic, Jenna Clark.)

Cover photo by Karlo X. Ramos.
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